Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cover art for 8th Annual Gathering at Pamplin Grove

August 20-22, 2011 Pamplin Grove
Humboldt County, California

1 comment:

  1. Richard Salzman invites you to The 8th Annual Community
    Cookout at Pamplin Grove, a Humboldt County classic,
    the weekend of August 20th, 2011.

    Ask all the old have-beens. This get-away rates with the greats of Humboldt hip-wa-zee secret stuff, Fern Canyon, Crabs at the yard or dock C, Dell’Arte, Jazz by the Bay, and Richard’s Party at Pamplin Grove, very cool.

    Stay the weekend, or just cruise into this majestic cathedral of old growth redwoods on the banks of the Van Duzen River for the dinner.

    Winter’s cold is a distant memory. So,warm your heart and skinny dip the Van Duzen in the hot August sun.

    Friends, family and well behaved dogs are all welcome. Individual campsites sleep 1 to 15 people. Get all you want to eat up at the cookhouse, don't need much more then a tent, bag and pad to be comfortable. Interesting people abound along with music, sunshine, volleyball, horseshoes, swimming holes and bonfires.

    Gates open at noon on Saturday the 20th and the big potluck dinner is late that afternoon. A breakfast will be served at the cookhouse on Sunday morning the 21st and a supper late in the day Sunday for those wishing to stay a second night.

    Car pools from the airport and loaner camping gear can be arranged for out of town guests, and if you don't want to camp, there are motels in nearby exotic Fortuna. You are also welcome to just come out for the day and enjoy the big potluck on Saturday.
